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BBT Episode 11: 6x R7 240 Litecoin, Dogecoin, Feathercoin Mining Rig with Sneak peaks!
BBT Episode 6: How to use 2 PSU for your Litecoin Dogecoin Feathercoin mining rig
BBT Episode 10: 6x R9 280x TOXIC Mining Rig! Over 4.6 M/hash Litecoin, Dogecoin unleashed!
BBT Episode 7: 6 GPU Litecoin Dogecoin Feathercoin Mining Rig using the ASRock H81 PRO BTC
BBT Episode 12: 6x nVidia 750Ti - MSI Twin Frozr Litecoin Dogecoin Mining Rig
BBT Episode 2: Detailed Litecoin Mining Rig Build Part 2
BBT Episode15: Gridseed ASIC 5-Chip, 6x eVGA 750Ti SC in BBT 3.0 Case and Feat Feathercoin
BBT Episode 2 Part1: Building a Ethereum, Litecoin or Feathercoin Mining Rig
BBT Episode 9: MSI r9 270 Twin Frozr Review - Best all around mining card around!
BBT Episode 13: 12x R9 270 Twin Frozr Cross Compare - Cryptocurrency of the week: Vertcoin
BBT Episode 19: Zeus Miner Blizzard & Thunder X3 feat. Feathercoin
BBT Bits Be Trippin January Episode Trailer BITCOIN LITECOIN FEATHERCOIN